Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Knitted Ugg Booties...for me!

Today I started some fantabulous slippers for myself since the hubby confiscated my slippers (they were man slippers so it's ok).  Since Oregon equals cold feet, I decided I would make my own slippers instead of buying generic ones that anyone could have!

So here's what I have so far:

And here's the pattern I am using:
Size 10 needles
Lion Brand thick and quick yarn or similar to obtain gauge
I am using Oatmeal as the main color and Sequoia as the contrasting color for the top of the booties!
gauge: 12 sts and 20 rows = 4"

With main color co 44 sts. Knit one row.
ROW 1 (RS) K1, yo, K20, yo, K2, yo, K20, yo, K1
ROW 2 and all subsequent WS Rows: Knit all stitches, but knit the yarn over twisted, ie. into the back loop of the yo.
ROW 3 K2, yo, K20, yo, K2, yo, K2, yo, K20, yo, K2
ROW 5 K3, yo, K20, yo, K7, yo, K20, yo, K3
ROW 7 K4, yo, K20, yo, K5, yo, K4, yo, K20, yo, K4
ROW 9 K5, yo, K20, yo, K6, yo, K6, yo, K20, yo, K5
After row 10, continue in stockinette stitch for 8 more rows.

ROW 1 Knit 40, ssk, turn work (ignore remaining stitches on needle for now)
ROW 2 sl1, p14, p2tog, turn work again (again ignore remaining stitches)
ROW 3 sl1, K14, ssk, turn
ROW 4 sl1, p14, p2tog, turn
ROWS 5-12 Repeat Rows 3 and 4 four more times.
ROW 13 sl1, K14, knit to end of row, turn
ROW 14 purl to middle of row. there is a gap. purl2tog to close gap. (i neglected to count which number these two stitches are.. I will update on my next pair. it is very easy to see!!) purl to end of row.

Work 8-10" in stockinette stitch (if your tween likes low Uggs or high Uggs) and switch to contrasting color and work another 2" in contrasting color. BO Knitwise. Sew seam using mattress stitch. Give to teen and be met with squeals and giggles. To fit approx. size 8-9 foot. they will stretch a bit. Put some dots of puffy paint or what ever you like to put on your slippers to prevent them from being "slippers" and enjoy!

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